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Introduction to Feminism - Our Course Recipient Writes...

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

In most learning institutions now, true feminist teachings have been replaced by ‘Gender Studies’ which no longer centre women. So, in November 2021, Speak Up for Women sponsored a young New Zealand woman to attend a true feminism course run online by Centre of Feminist Thought, UK.

This is what she had to say about it -

“I want to extend my gratitude to the team at Speak Up For Women for giving me the opportunity to attend the Introduction to Feminism Course, hosted by the Centre of Feminist Thought, UK. Having previously called myself a self-proclaimed feminist, I was naturally drawn to this course. I also wanted to have a deeper, personal understanding of the term and learn how I might then be able to apply this deeper understanding to the advocacy work I am involved with at GEE (Girls Empowered through Education) Nepal. Our vision at GEE Nepal is to provide young girls with educational opportunities, and to uplift them in a time and place where trafficking and poverty are significant influences. In the future, we aim to increase the number of girls graduating from secondary school and expand our offerings to have a greater impact in Nepal. We do this by providing vulnerable girls in Nepal with education scholarships so that they can pursue goals and opportunities that they otherwise couldn’t achieve.

Since being actively involved in this field of work, I have had a growing understanding of the

impact of a patriarchal society on women and their often inability to truly thrive and flourish

in such a social construct, especially in developing nations. One aspect of the course explored patriarchy- its theory and origins as well as the power and control that it resembles in a social context. Here I learnt that patriarchy effects all women and we all face some form of oppression whether we are aware of it or not. This was a really challenging observation for me because I felt I had been blinded to the reality of this, thinking that we were unaffected by this in the Western World. When in fact, I learnt that patriarchy is more subtle and therefore harder to recognise in our societies. This especially emphasised to me that it is so important for Feminists to unite and work together to make a change globally.

Early in the course we also explored the ‘waves’ of feminism, liberal feminism and feminism as a ‘civil rights’ project. What struck me most in this section was the issues of the tension

between ‘equality’ and ‘difference’ in feminism. This part of the course impacted me in a

personal way and challenged the way that I thought about Feminism because for so long I

thought that the end goal was equality with men. However, I quickly learnt that the issue with

this goal is symbolic of a system that would still be centred around men – i.e. doing life by the ‘male model’ as this is already dominant in society. The term ‘difference’ however, challenges feminists to acknowledge the importance of political activity and generational change in families to explore what a universal female subject might look like. This in fact sums up a radical feminist perspective which is to re-shape the world to hold women’s way of living more fully.

As women who all came from very different backgrounds, some working for large Global

Feminist organisations and others pursuing careers that were traditionally seen as ‘male jobs’

such as electricians and engineers; it was incredible to be able to reflect on the relevance of

the course material to our current situations. We all completed this course with a much richer, deeper understanding of Feminism, specifically radical feminism and found this to be

beneficial not only in a professional context, but in a personal one too. For me, it made me

reflect on the kind of mother I want to be for my future children and the importance of

mothering for the future of the Feminist movement.

Given that we have literally been given the gift of producing life. At GEE, we talk about the ripple of effect of a young girl being educated as she will grow up to be an educated mother who will raise educated children, which will then someday produce an educated community. I believe this is the same for Feminism and I look forward to being part of the change that together we can create in the world for women.”




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